About NYCA Fund

New York Contemporary Art Fund (NYCA Fund) was founded in 2007 by a group of art-lovers from around the world. This colloboration includes professional and amateur artists, art advisors, art appraisers, repair masters ,and collectors. Art reaches beyond all languages and cultures as beautiful things owned by all mankind.The goal of the NYCA Fund is to promote art on a global level, and to direct and integrate public resources in order to introduce art without boundaries. Therefore, NYCA Fund commits to this cause by working with galleries, museums, artists, art collectors, auction companies, art advisors, curators and art expositions. NYCA Fund is dedicated to give direct sponsorship or necessary assistance to emerging artists in order to for these talents to have opportunities to be cultivated and discovered. We truly welcome you to join us in this shared common philosophy of the NYCA Fund to strive for the promotion of art.

storage and lending policy

Works of art

NYCA seeks to become a leading voice for the art fund and in doing so, provide its members with the ability to educate the community, general public, media and art world regarding art investment vehicles and their role both in the art market and as a growing alternative investment industry.

promotion of art

We Do

NYCA committed to helping the public through the operation of its foundation, NYCA Funds Give Back, which through the generosity of NYCA members is able to support artists dedicated to the promotion of art throughout the world.To enhance the image and understanding of the art investment fund industry

What We Seek

NYCA FUND advocates for the art fund industry by promoting the value of art investment vehicles and their role both in the art market and as a growing component of the alternative investment industry to the investment community, general public, media and art world. Owing to the various restrictions on the marketing and advertising of privately offered investment vehicles, the NYCA fund industry is forced to act largely outside of the eyes of the general public, thereby creating a negative mystique around NYCA FUND and their effect upon the art market. NYCA FUND seeks to foster greater understanding, clarity and transparency around the activities of art investment funds and their practitioners,special
artist. We achieve this goal through NYCA FUND's:

provision or sponsorship artist and conferences on art investment funds open to the general public;
publication of articles and research discussing art investment funds and their governance; and
informed and balanced communications with scholars, representatives of the global media and public policy makers.